
Happy National Vanilla Coffee Day!

Happy National Vanilla Coffee Day! Since Vanilla is one of the flavors we offer in our products. We can get related to this ! Here is a story about the ‘National Vanilla Ice Cream Day’ you should know.

National Vanilla Ice Cream Day is observed annually on 23 July, honoring the most popular flavor of ice cream. This day is part of National Ice Cream Month, and is just after National Ice Cream Day.

In North America, vanilla flavoring is most commonly used for ice cream, and is considered by most as the default flavor.

It is believed that Thomas Jefferson discovered the vanilla flavor while in France and later introduced it to the United States. A copy of the hand written vanilla ice cream recipe, which was written by Jefferson in the 1780’s, is housed at the Library of Congress. The Thomas Jefferson ice cream is available at Mr. Rushmore in South Dakota.

To celebrate, go out for a vanilla ice cream with your friends or drink our vanilla flavor coffee! Order now!